Ep15 - Aidan Recieves Head... Trauma

Aidan Moore Season 1 Episode 15

Send us a PROMPT!

From non-truths to garage door collisions, this epidose with Not-so-Special-Special-Guest Aidan Moore has been incubated under the cloaca of the chicken that came before the egg, until it hatched and crawled into your ears.

Please give us some festive prompts for our christmas episode!

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Tangent Podcast is an original concept Created, Hosted and Produced by Ethan Leith and Brandon Illsley. Editing is by Ben Payne and Ethan Leith, with Special Thanks to Ordinary Toucan. Marketing is by Holly Rennie and Sophie Casali. All music and sound effects are licensed by Artlist. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views of Tangent Podcasts or any other associated people(s), businesses or entities, nor are they intended to malign any groups or person(s). Tangent Podcast is for entertainment only and no information contained within should be assumed to be professional advice or a statement of absolute fact without doing your own research first. Viewer discretion is advised. Our official contact email for suggestions, complaints, or business enquiries is TangentPodcastIdeas@gmail.com. A full list of all episodes and everywhere you can find Tangent Podcast can be found by going to tangent.buzzsprout.com. Tangent Podcast is not a suitable replacement for a balanced and well-rounded diet… No matter how tasty any episode may seem…

Speaker 1:

TANGEON, tangeon, tangeon, tangeon, tangeon, tangeon. Hello and welcome to tangent. I am the ever-wonderful Ethan Leith and.

Speaker 1:

I'm joined today by Brandon Usley. Hi Hi guys. Hi Hi Brandon, hi Hi Hi. Welcome to tangent, if you've never listened to this podcast before. The whole point of this podcast is we get a random word or phrase and then we discuss that word or phrase and see whatever tangents we go on. If you would like to send a prompt directly to our eyeballs or stream it in my ass, you can send it to Instagram at goingoner underscore tangent, or send it to tangentpodcastsuggestionsatgmailcom. Yeah. But either way, brandon, I'm afraid I'm going to have to skip asking you how you're doing today, because we are joined by a very special guest today, a very special, not so special guest. You know him, you love him, you don't. Actually, he does everything. He polishes boats, he um I don't.

Speaker 3:

He does everything. He polishes boats, that is everything.

Speaker 1:

He is both a dragon-filled dungeon and a dungeon-filled dragon.

Speaker 2:

It's Aiden Moore, Hello hello, it is I the one and only Aiden Moore. I don't polish boats, I don't even go near boats, actually. But what is the boat? Can you tell me what a boat is? No, the car.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a vessel that floats on water. I would have to say.

Speaker 2:

How would you know that, though, Brandon? How would you know? I don't know, Brandon.

Speaker 3:

If something floats. Yeah, I don't know if there's even a test I could do for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because what if you put it in the water and it sinks? Then it won't play.

Speaker 3:

Tell you what? It's definitely not a fucking boat. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing alright, man, I'm doing alright. It's been a busy few days for me, but I've had a very wonderful day off. Today had a few little chocolate eclairs, had some spaghetti carbonara and I'm feeling fine and fancy free. What about you, brandon? How are you feeling?

Speaker 3:

today. Well, thank you so much for asking, aiden. No one else ever does. I'm feeling Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, my ducca boy.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, that wasn't the scream. Oh fuck man, fuck, ah, ah, Ah, ah, ah Ah. Keep talking, no fuck you.

Speaker 3:

I'm not telling anyone now. Aiden Ethan, how are you mate? You want me. I want to know what you were the other day.

Speaker 1:

I don't care, I see you.

Speaker 2:

No, let's get back into it. Okay, okay, brandon, how have you?

Speaker 3:

been Hang on. I'm waiting for Ethan to start screaming again.

Speaker 1:

It was simply because you were shaming me. That was what the scream was. It wasn't the I was the cube.

Speaker 3:

I was the cube yeah we weren't starting the thing. Well, tell you what I'm feeling. Ah my nibbles, my nibbles.

Speaker 2:

My nibbles, my dick and slash all balls. Oh, oh, oh, right, oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. Well, aiden, do you know what time it is? I believe I do. Yes, go on. What time is it? It's prompt time. Thank you, boy, and your prize for guessing that it's prompt time is Aiden. What's our prompt for this week?

Speaker 2:

The left-ass cheek of Theodore Roosevelt.

Speaker 3:

Well, well, well, my old nemesis.

Speaker 1:

Theodore Roosevelt's left-ass cheek. We meet again Is it Roosevelt?

Speaker 3:

I thought it was Roosevelt.

Speaker 2:

Am I? I pronounce it Roosevelt, but it's probably pronounced Roosevelt because it's 00.

Speaker 1:

Roosevelt Well, yeah, well, that was what I had assumed, but also chose is with two O's, for some reason.

Speaker 2:

I chose with one.

Speaker 3:

Hang on, hang on, I'll ask you a real life question. For a man who can't spell Choses with two O's, no it's Choses with one O, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Hold on, yeah, choses one, choses one O Ethan Ethan.

Speaker 3:

It chooses two O's.

Speaker 2:

No yeah when you no, because I got Pokemon, I choose you. You know that's two O's, but then I chose that. Pokemon is C-H-O-S-E.

Speaker 1:

Okay, hang on. There is a word which is a double O, that shouldn't be Blood. Okay, yeah, that's good enough. That's, I'll illustrate my point.

Speaker 3:

I was really having a stroke there for a second. I was like hang on, Choses with two O's.

Speaker 2:

No, Ethan said it with such confidence that I was I was like I was.

Speaker 1:

I promise you, I promise you, it is, it's true, it is true.

Speaker 3:

No, it's not True spell with a U-E.

Speaker 1:

What we've found out is it's Theodore Roosevelt. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That is it, theodore. To Luzerville To me, this is a place in France, if you didn't know.

Speaker 3:

I didn't, but thank you.

Speaker 1:

Ethan, I did.

Speaker 3:

You know what you didn't know. How does it spell chose? Yeah, you did. Anyway, moving back on to the left arse cheek, why specifically? I have a question though why specifically the left arse cheek? What is it?

Speaker 2:

done oh many things. It's probably been sat on just a bit less than the right arse cheek. Do you know why?

Speaker 3:

I presume he's right footed or he got his leg chewed off by a bear or something. Well, he was shot but that's irrelevant.

Speaker 2:

It's the fact that he was right-sided, so he did things with his right hand. I'm making this up, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Oh wow, it's a fact checker. That sounded again just enough confidence.

Speaker 2:

It just sounded real Think about it.

Speaker 1:

I believe it, although I am currently sitting on my left arse cheek more, but that's because I'm leaning over towards the microphone. Oh that's fair, that's fair.

Speaker 3:

I'm sat completely in the middle because I'm on a bed, so it's you know. Yeah, van, you're right-handed, aren't you?

Speaker 2:

I am, and Ethan, you're right-handed also.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you're left-handed, Ethan.

Speaker 2:

No, I've not been cursed, yeah.

Speaker 3:

The devil hasn't touched us?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're all safe. The main thing is when you sit down. Do you sit down at an angle and therefore hit your arse cheek on the chair, like hit your right arse first and then your left arse cheek second, or do you just hit it perfectly smack on each time I would have to say it depends on what I'm sitting on.

Speaker 1:

I think it depends on which direction I'm coming from, but most of the time, no, I don't think that's a thing to me.

Speaker 3:

I'm pretty sure I sit in between both at the same time. Once I let gravity take over the work, once I'm about to sit down, I have time to align myself centrally.

Speaker 1:

You're one of those people that just plunks themselves down and launches everyone off the sofa.

Speaker 2:

He lives on a sea-sort. That's how you know.

Speaker 3:

I would just like to say I'm so skinny and small that I could jump with both feet onto a chair, onto a spoof, and people would barely know that I'm there.

Speaker 1:

It was like my old friend that I used to go rock climbing with. His name was Jack. He was like half the way I was, so anytime I fell off the wall, he would then go halfway up.

Speaker 3:

I don't understand.

Speaker 1:

I don't get it Because he's belaying me, so he's doing the rope to make sure.

Speaker 3:

You miss the vital part of your not… that's like sport, doesn't have any rock climbing experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is typically how much rock climbing was I have a lot of rock climbing experience.

Speaker 3:

I just sometimes forget the fact that bouldering and rock climbing are slightly different. Yes, okay. So, I'm used to climbing up surfaces without the need of a pussy rope.

Speaker 1:

You know what I?

Speaker 3:

mean Just free-balling it the whole way.

Speaker 1:

A pus-alan-em-us rope.

Speaker 3:

A pus-alan-em-us rope. Also, to be fair, when I did do rock climbing, I used an auto-bile, because they have technology now that allows you to do it on your own instead of needing a buddy. But most….

Speaker 1:

I think they actually set up the climbing centre that I used to go to set up their first auto-bile, like a month before I left the country for a year.

Speaker 3:

Where'd you go? That was great.

Speaker 2:

Well done, Lydon. No, I always found it.

Speaker 1:

You guys proud of yourself.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Are you? Happy with your accomplishment oh yeah, it was… we're not even in the same fucking house and that was just so synchronised.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I went a couple months ago and there was only one auto-bile there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, fair enough.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what's scarier than rock climbing? By the way, trent Walls are like scaling or going down like a completely sheer surface. I've done it once in my life and, oh my God was I terrified. Oh wait, I'm absailing. Yeah, that's the term.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I actually think… I find absailing less scary than rock climbing. Yeah, me too, just for the sake of like. As soon as you start, you're already relying on the rope.

Speaker 1:

However, with rock climbing especially without an auto-bile rock climbing like there's like half of a drop of free fall before the rope catches you in rock climbing, which hurts by the way, oh yeah, it's even worse if you're doing lead climbing, because me… Sorry, excuse me, because me and same friend Jack, we did a lead climbing course, which is where you take the rope up with you and clip it in as you go, and as part of that we were doing practicing falls, because the falls tend to be like twice the size and the instructor, when I went up to do… we was like, okay, we're just going to do a little fall practice. He told my friend to just stop taking in the rope and because the rope's going below you you can't really tell. So… I didn't know that actually half of the rope was slack and so when I let go and I just descended half of the wall, which is like they're pretty high, like these are, like you know, like five story walls that shit's terrifying.

Speaker 2:

So the thing which I'm hearing, though, is that the climbing isn't terrifying, it's the falling what is absailing, but just the continued state of falling.

Speaker 1:

No, it's like a slope, isn't it like?

Speaker 3:

walking or like hopping almost.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, however, when you're 13 and again terrified of heights, I didn't mention that I'm deathly afraid of falling.

Speaker 3:

This. You know what? This could be the reason you find it more scary. Yeah, I think we cracked it.

Speaker 1:

I'm good, I'm put it out there. Yeah, I think that's why it's more scary.

Speaker 2:

It's the curse of being over six foot and being terrified of heights. God, you must be scared all the time. I look down and I go every time.

Speaker 1:

I say that as someone who's six foot one.

Speaker 3:

I say that as moving on. Yeah, go on, Brandon. How tall are you? Uh, taller than your mum.

Speaker 2:

Oh, is that your mum a joke in 2023? Oh my. God hey look if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, but no, yeah, I don't know. I feel like a scarier thing. I'm trying to think of what, like, one of the scariest things I've ever done is being eaten alive. Well, it's changed it up. I haven't written that yet For that one.

Speaker 1:

We need to go back to Theo's episode.

Speaker 2:

Oh God, cross-overs.

Speaker 1:

Yummy Is this a crossover episode. Yummy nummy.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what is the scariest thing you've ever done. Like scary, not like tough or challenging, like terrifying actually scary, Apart from the wall thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, I don't 100% know. I mean, there's a lot of things that I've been like. This is genuinely scary. I mean, like rock climbing was always a bit of an adrenaline rush, especially with lead climbing. But I think, if I like, think about in recent memory what the this is fucking terrifying was when I was just on the cusp of getting over my fear of roller coasters. Uh, I went to Alton towers, and this was only last year really.

Speaker 2:

This is the big thing you've liked on, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, no, it wasn't last year, it was two years ago now. Uh, and I was on Nemesis Alton towers and I couldn't tell you how scared I was. Like I locked myself in because I was like I'm just I'm, I'm locking myself in because the the my social anxiety to ask someone to be let out, trumps the terror that was going on this ride. Um, but I literally felt a bit like I wanted to pee myself, like like I felt it, it was there, I was, I was ready to pee.

Speaker 2:

You were ready and waiting. I was ready to pee.

Speaker 1:

And I went on it and I think it's the I've not gotten adrenaline rush because, like you know, I love roller coasters now and I'm not, you know, massively scared of them, other than you know. Obviously they're designed to be scary, that's the fun, but like they don't, the thought of going on one isn't something that I'm like, oh, I can't do that. Um, but when I came off Nemesis, I literally had to go and take a sit down because I felt so like I had had so much adrenaline in my body that I felt sick physically and I was just shaking.

Speaker 3:

That. That reminds me a lot of. Do you remember when you came to Southend and we went on the? We went to the Adventure Island place in Southend. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and you do. This was this. I think this was after this nemesis thing, but it was scary enough that Ethan still didn't go on it. That this point and I know you know I was fucking terror. I like rollercoaster. I've been on rollercoaster a lot since I was like the age of nine. I was Shitting myself.

Speaker 2:

What was it? One of those swing things which is just like a giant disc which spins up all the way around and then comes back down? Yeah, it.

Speaker 1:

I looked at it. It was very high up and I'm like the south end, the Adventure Island or whatever it's called, is more of kind of like a fun, fair construction sort of thing, and I was like I don't trust those struts to take me that high because I don't know, last time that's had a safety inspection. Oh yeah, I mean well, probably like ready recently is a rollercoaster.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have to do constant checks, but it doesn't mean it's not terrifying. It's like Brighton Pier. There's an amusement Area there where they've got like several rides, but it's on the fucking pier. So I went on like the log flume ride Once with my mates when I was there and, oh my god, being at the very front of the log flume ride, being over like 20 stone and Going on this vickety old log and you're just going, please don't break, please don't fall, oh god.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, especially because underneath Brighton Pier it's not even like just water either, like there's like some shit, and it goes out quite a ways to be fair as well. I remember when, when we went, all I could talk about was the fact that they had, like these really heavy machinery on On on wood, that some of it looked like it hadn't been changed since the 60s and I think it's the fact that normally it's like this is just one plank of wood and I can see directly down.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Yeah, yeah, I did. I did have another thought about, actually, what I think my scariest experience was, which was Surprise, surprise, in Israel.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, but this is way serious wait Carrie.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I did, I did so, they, they used to be this little tradition.

Speaker 1:

So so in the, in the old city of Acre, there was a, a Behind the, the kind of the old city, in the little dock they used to do these little thing I'm gonna be telling me this yeah these Adventure boat rides where you could pay I think was something like 20 shekels, which is the equivalent of like five pounds, and they'll take you out for like 15 minutes and and if you do it in the day it's pretty tame. If you do it at night, and especially if it's all adults on the boat, those people sometimes go Like fairly wild. And so the way that the, the city of Acre, the old city, was constructed, it's kind of like a almost like a seafort, so you have like Deepwater, a plateau onto like rocky water, which is also horrible to swim in, because I did that once and trying to get out I got smashed against those rocks pretty hard and Then the sea wall, which is like a like an old, kind of like fortress wall sort of construction, and they will take you Full speed. And one of the things I hated the most was that they would always go straight to the wall and then last second turn and what and? But they'd always like put it straight in, like they put it like in reverse. You go like it was like a Handbrake sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and the last time I ever went on them it was like my send-off. They were going so quickly that I was literally like coming out my seat constantly and they went straight at that wall. They turned and they did not bother to slow down and I literally saw like the wall was getting close, from close to like shit and then he, he like turned so hard that the boat was just on its side and I could, I could have reached out and touched that wall. Oh I, I was literally. It was low on time. I was like right, I'm getting ready to get chucks in the ocean Off of off a speedboat. Hmm, yeah, I luckily didn't, but he came very close to us coming out.

Speaker 3:

I very much imagine that guy being like this is gonna fucking freak him out and then realizing a bit too late how close he was and go like With it.

Speaker 1:

With how steep that turned, I wouldn't be surprised if he was like he survived and went.

Speaker 3:

I'm fucking good I am.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they'd always. They'd always do this thing where they take you out into like the deeper water and then cut the engine and Then just like freak tourists out and shit.

Speaker 3:

They go like they got.

Speaker 1:

They're gonna, we're out of fuel, we got, we've got none left or like the engines broken or some shit like that, and you just sit there for like five minutes being like, okay, this is this like a joke again. Yeah, cheeky, it's been so long Well.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's fair enough. Yeah, I just can't think of one that like is yeah, you can't think terrifying Well not that I've experienced like myself in terms of like true terror. Obviously I've been like rides and stuff, but like nothing. Where I was like I'm legitimately gonna die Like this, like I am, I fucking could have died. Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, not really, not really you know I can.

Speaker 1:

You, can you think of anything scary than absailing Um?

Speaker 2:

Well, I've got several, if you want. Do you want one where it's just me being terrified for like two hours, or would you want one where I genuinely feared for my life?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, genuine fear for life sounds sounds more fun Okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, to picture the scene. I am approximately five or six years old.

Speaker 3:

Oh, this is gonna be good.

Speaker 2:

Whenever there's a child involved is always gonna be in Capcom, I, my mum, has been working Throughout the day, and so I've been left in the care of my grandmother, and it's just her, me and my brother we are walking through Park. Oh, sense of that, sense of the first letter, okay, all right, walking through a, walking through a park.

Speaker 1:

You're walking through.

Speaker 2:

Entertainment. Yeah, I'm walking through Illumination Entertainment Park and we get to this area. Right, we get to this area when my grandmother sees a friend of hers and they start chatting. Now, me and my brother, being young kids, are easily bored, so we sit on some railing, like really incredibly low railings, and he starts, you know, like Leaning back on them. So you know, like doing a test of balance without falling over, and me, being the younger brother, I copy him. Now, I fail at copying him, but I don't think anything of it, until we get up to go away and a random woman comes by and says to me hey, is your head supposed to be bleeding? Oh, I Touched the back of my head and my palm is then covered in blood.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, heads bleed a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yes, texas it turns out that I cracked my skull open. Um, and it had, oh, it had to be glued back together, and that was the only time I feared for my fucking life.

Speaker 1:

What? Okay, see, it's very interesting because I've also had my skull cracked open. But when that happened to me, I was like this is a thing.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I've never had any part of my body broken, but like also Wait, so hang on a second. So how? You're five years old, you're with your grandmother and your brother.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And neither of those fucking people worked out that you were bleeding.

Speaker 2:

Well, I wasn't. They weren't looking at the back of my head, they were looking at my face and there was hey, is your.

Speaker 1:

Head supposed to be bleeding? Yeah, does that yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, imagine that's the question you ask as well, not like, like. Oh my god, are you okay? It's supposed to be bleeding.

Speaker 2:

I'm still like not over it by the fact that just this random woman comes up and asks the question hey, yeah, it's your head supposed to be letting out a very important bodily fluid?

Speaker 1:

But yeah, heads heads in general bleed a lot because I, I remember, because, because I, I did a very similar thing. There were a lot of stories about I mean it. I to this day actually don't remember how it happened. There were stories I I remember just falling over in the playground and not thinking much of it, same as you, aiden, and then all of a sudden I was in my dad's car and I got blood all over his car seats because I was being taken to hospital. I have my head glued, yeah, but um, wow, I I have had situations where I've been like A lot more scared because I, like I, I ran into a garage door once and I put my hand, my hand against my head and and heads bleed a lot. I didn't know that heads bleed a lot more than any other part of your body. When I touched my head for like two seconds, I bought my head, that my hand, that I was covered in blood and I was like, oh, I'm dying, I'm literally dying.

Speaker 3:

This is it Bye, bye, bye. If you died from running into a garage door that's f***ing evolution in action you would have won the darmin award for sure. He was just running so fast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so fast that his head came clean off.

Speaker 1:

He didn't even hit anything. He was just running so quick. It was just residual like air resistance.

Speaker 3:

Your dad gets used to the hospital, it's like the f***ing mortuary or whatever, and they're like oh my god, honey die you go for you know kids and garage doors.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, f***ing good he had. He had new shoes. He had to run quick.

Speaker 3:

So that is that the story you bought, they just they just made him.

Speaker 1:

And you run into a garage door. I want the story now.

Speaker 3:

I need the story of why little you decided that was a fun idea. I can't well.

Speaker 1:

I didn't do it. Obviously, I did not deliberately run into the garage door.

Speaker 2:

I believe in you, ethan though I believe that you would run headfirst into a garage door and say check out this bit.

Speaker 3:

I can also see you being like I can't even hear Hang on a second.

Speaker 1:

I was. No, I was because I, because I had, I had to get it stitched up, but I was um 16 at the time and I think I was just going in to get my bike because my friends were going off and I already started to run into the garage door. You ran into it, not walked yeah.

Speaker 1:

People leaving, I had to go grab my bike quick. They were gonna leave without me, so I ran to go grab my bike. The garage door was open because my mum was doing gardening and and whang. I came straight off my feet.

Speaker 3:

Hang on, was it? Okay, I need to imagine this properly. Was it an open like a door, like a normal house door type things, like you know, opens like inwards, like to the left or right or was it a drop down garage door? It's a drop down garage door.

Speaker 2:

Was it like an automatic one which just slides down, or is it one of those ones which kind of folds out and it's one of the ones that folds out.

Speaker 1:

Oh my.

Speaker 3:

God, so it also in conclusion either. It was like fuck, I need to go get my bike ran full speed into a very slow moving garage door and it went feet in the air and then hit the ground. Okay, right.

Speaker 1:

So the door was stationary.

Speaker 2:

You must have known that the door was open then.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean? I did know the door was open. I went to go through it and I hit my head. How have you guys ever walked into a wall? You're so stupid. You walked into a station in a wall. What do you want me to say?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I know what I should have said to you at the time, duck, thank you. Thank you very much.

Speaker 1:

I just come on the show and I just get ridiculed. Clearly there was some point where I had just not looked where I was going, in the same sense of someone walking into a wall, which I guarantee you guys have done.

Speaker 3:

It was just the image of my head made it funny.

Speaker 2:

My bicycle runs through the idiot that hits his head and goes like head over heels.

Speaker 3:

In my head it was a loony to his cartoon.

Speaker 1:

I wish that would have been a lot more fun.

Speaker 3:

Except the reality was oh, I'm about to die, I'm bleeding.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I thought that was it. I was like this is it, this is it comes for me. Have you guys ever seen the film the Night Comes?

Speaker 2:

No, it sounds too pornographic.

Speaker 3:

I've seen the Night man Come Earth. Yeah, it does sound pornographic.

Speaker 1:

This just reminded me of. It's a. I don't know where it's from, but it's one of those like Korean action movie type things where it is a tiny bit of story for about 10 minutes and then the next two hours of the film are just one long, continuous fight scene. What Like? Imagine John Wick, but less story.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, wow, that sounds sick. What's it called? The?

Speaker 1:

Night Comes. The Night Comes, I think, is that Night With An N or Night With A KN.

Speaker 3:

Is that comes with an N.

Speaker 1:

Night With A U.

Speaker 2:

With A U oh sick, the Night Comes, oh you bet they do.

Speaker 3:

It was a very long fight scene.

Speaker 1:

It's called the Night Comes For Us.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's even worse Now it's an orgy.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was just you and me. It's a bit of you know one time.

Speaker 1:

Ito, a gangland enforcer enforcer is caught amidst a treacherous of violent insurrection with his triad crime family upon his return home from a stint abroad. Wow, it's 10 minutes of the returning home, two hours of fight and the entire film spoilers but not really ends with him driving a car full speed at a dock filled with like at least 50 people. Wow, so all running back at his car.

Speaker 3:

It ends with terrorism. Just what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

Yes. What a movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you want to identify it like that, in the same way that John Wick starts with murder.

Speaker 3:

I think actually, doesn't it start with yeah, it starts with, like animal cruelty.

Speaker 2:

Well, what is the specific term for when you kill an animal? Is it just animal cruelty?

Speaker 3:

I think so. I don't think we care enough about animals to give it like I can name. It's not like as cool as like infanticide or something. Slaughter.

Speaker 1:

An animal.

Speaker 2:

Dog slaughter, because you've got mad slaughter. Surely there should be something like pet slaughter or horse slaughter, glue fat.

Speaker 1:

So there isn't, but the international journal for crime, justice and social democracy has proposed therioside.

Speaker 3:

Hang on, hang on. Who the fuck? The international journal for crime, justice and social democracy? Yes, who is the leader of this journal and why is he judge, jury and executioner?

Speaker 1:

Who is this person, I don't know. I think it's a scientific journal, so I assume lots of different people.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, I thought you meant the international journal is in like a magazine and I was like, no, why did they have the authority on it? What? Who is this person?

Speaker 1:

Although this is from 2014 by a guy called P Bernie, which starts tough tough If killing tough.

Speaker 2:

It's P Bernie. It's P Bernie.

Speaker 1:

Okay, hang on. Hang on because the way it starts right is if the killing of animals by humans is as harmful to them as homicide is to humans. Right, yeah, cool, if killing something is as harmful as killing something else, we shouldn't do this.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I always like when they use the term animal right, because animal is so broad Like. That means everything, so like. But I wouldn't say that emotionally, killing a dog is the same as stepping on a jellyfish. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

There's different levels of If you stepped on a jellyfish, it gets stung, probably.

Speaker 3:

Well you know about. Okay, I'm stepping on a jellyfish with a brother boot.

Speaker 1:

I've been stung by a jellyfish before.

Speaker 3:

Where On its penis? No the most.

Speaker 2:

No, it's actually on his left. Arse cheek no.

Speaker 1:

It was all over my body because After jellyfish season in Aka all the jellyfish stings get crushed up in the water and we didn't know that. So we all went swimming and then we kept getting stung and we were like this kind of hurts we should probably get out. And we then were like, yeah, let's kind of get out the water because we keep getting stung.

Speaker 3:

Wow. So even after the jellyfish have left, they're like wait two weeks. Yeah, you don't want to be in the water. That's tough, that's tough, anyway, continue.

Speaker 1:

So what are you saying about stepping on a jellyfish?

Speaker 3:

Basically, I think it's. I wouldn't say it's emotionally the same thing to kill a jellyfish as it would be to kill a puppy.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, massively, because a jellyfish doesn't even really have pain receptors in the same way.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, but they're all animals. So I think there is a line, but you have to draw it somewhere.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and the line is how tasty they are. I agree.

Speaker 3:

I completely agree.

Speaker 2:

I mean, have you ever had fried horse? I had a test.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, that was literally the joke I was about to make. Anyway, guys, have you guys enjoyed our talk about Theodore Roosevelt's left ass cheek?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I've quite enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

It was all right yeah.

Speaker 3:

It was the couple of us.

Speaker 2:

Oh, actually I wish to have a big fun for my time.

Speaker 3:

There's this cut Right, so we'll be right back pick up from 32 minutes, right yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we hope you've enjoyed it. It's been a pleasure having you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm always a pleasure to be here. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I thought you said goodbye, you have been here before.

Speaker 3:

This is true.

Speaker 2:

Is there anything you'd like to promote while you're here.

Speaker 1:

All right, fair enough Play.

Speaker 2:

Bulls 3. Play Bulls Escape 3. That's my pitch.

Speaker 3:

I haven't even played it, but play it. We are sponsored by Bulls.

Speaker 1:

Escape. 3. Play Cookie Clicker.

Speaker 3:

Play Cookie Clicker. I said God.

Speaker 1:

Well, we really hope you've enjoyed this episode. You, the person who's listening to it, the public, you, yeah, I'm going to see you, derek Michael, oh no.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Derek and Michael.

Speaker 3:

You mean Derek or Michael oh?

Speaker 1:

Derek and Michael, if you're listening together, I know you've wanted to do it for a very long time.

Speaker 3:

Just do it, man Just give in.

Speaker 1:

Just kiss each other. You'll love it.

Speaker 2:

Just turn to face each other and, in this moment of quiet reflection, lean in and touch each other on the lips.

Speaker 1:

I hope that we're now really responsible for a Derek and a Michael getting married.

Speaker 3:

I want to be there.

Speaker 1:

Anyway. So, as always, you can send any prompts, and we are going to be taking Christmas prompts, as it is now December, the festive season. Ho ho, ho, it is. Yes, it definitely is. Please send your festive prompts to. Well, it will be for them.

Speaker 3:

I know I was, I was. I didn't just stop breaking the illusion. It is, it definitely is.

Speaker 1:

Your sarcastic tone broke the illusion already Send your Christmas prompts to at going underscore on a underscore, tangent or any prompts you have. As always, we are desperate, please. Or send them to a project Pogent, pogent, pogent. Send them to Pogent. Send them to Pogent. Send them to tangent podcast suggestions at gmailcom and we'll pick it up from there. But as always and until next time, I am Santa's.

Speaker 3:

Left Bollock I am the leftover jellyfish sting.

Speaker 2:

We'll see you next time.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Get out of here and that's that. That's tangent.

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